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10 QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF about your current job

Analyzing your circumstances when it comes to career and, well, life decisions is just plain difficult. Hopefully these questions are helpful and clarifying.

1. Do you feel like yourself?

This is important. Once you know what you love and how you love to be, once you feel comfortable in your own skin a bit, it's easy to tell what's a fit for you and what's not. Do you feel like you get to be your best self where you are now? If so, woohoo! Is there any way you could use your gifts more fully or help others? If not, what are some things you do where you feel most like yourself? Could you do those more often?

2. Is this something you want to do forever?

If it's just for now, how does it contribute to where you want to be? Good to think about. Not all jobs are forever. How long do you want to stay? Or have you stayed longer than expected and it has worked out splendidly?

3. Does it bring you joy?

Have God surprise us. We want Him in this. We want Him in this so much that we know without a doubt that we see happen absolutely couldn't have happened without Him. He is the most creative person we've ever known. And the most successful. What He wants is what we want. We need Him in this.

4. Do you feel like you're growing?

Bingo. This is important. Are you satisfied with the amount of growth you're experiencing in your current position? Is there traction for you personally? Are you energized by what you learn? And are you learning things about yourself as you go so that you grow as a person? This can be a huge benefit of being in a position that's a challenge for you. It's usually time well spent.

5. Is the time that it takes up worth it to you?

In the long run, is this time well spent? Is it helping you get where you want to go? Do you learn things currently that will contribute to your end goals? If not, do you have time to pursue the things that you need to in order to eventually do what you want to do?

6. Why did you start?

Motivations behind our decisions are important. What was the big reason that hinged your decision to be where you are now? Is it still true? Has your motivation for being in your current position changed? What would continue motivate you in your position moving forward?

7. Do you have the support you need to grow?

Who are you surrounded by? Do you have a team? Are people helping you problem solve? Could growth be encouraged by branching out into new relationships? Where can you get the support you need to keep going? Or to change directions? Who can you reach out to to make your work less stressful? Or to help bounce ideas off of to motivate you?

8. Are you inviting God into it?

People might not view this as a career question. But it most definitely is a career question. Inviting God into what you're doing is a source of joy. And, even better, letting Him lead what your doing can deepen your relationship with God and make your whole life an opportunity to get to know Him better, go out on a limb and trust His plans for you, and keep seeking Him to know more about the adventure of life He has for you.

9. Is it scary at all?

Doing something scary can sometimes be a good thing. It means you have chances to stretch yourself. Are you too comfortable? Or does your job scare you (in a good way) all of the time? If your job skills are stagnant but you'd like to grow, what would be a better fit for you that would challenge you as a person and in your career? Are there any ideas you have in your head that you get excited about but dismiss quickly? Why do you dismiss them? All good questions to ask.

10. What are your gut feelings?

A lot of times we don't pay close enough attention to these. Write down the first two things you thought when I asked that question.

For some people, these questions could begin the process of realizing a change might need to be made. And for others they could be super affirming and give you the go-ahead and joy of continuing to forge on in doing what you're made to do. Either way, it's the small decisions about our every day that can determine 1. Our joy, and 2. if we're living the life of purpose that we hope for. It's a bold thing to start thinking about it.



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