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CHOOSE YOUR WAY OUT: follow God toward freedom

Walking alongside God is a partnership. Not just letting Him do everything. It's beautiful and mystical and hard to understand. It takes ownership. Trust. Willingness to not get it. And to get it wrong sometimes. But mostly trust. Trust that He's big enough to correct our wrong turns.

This thought started this morning as I was thanking God for making a way for me to do art full time right now.

It was a choice. I left things behind.

Mostly financial security.

But what I really needed to pick up was freedom. And that's what God made a way for.

Now this is where partnership comes into play. God and I work together. He makes a way for the freedom to happen, and I walk in it.

Sometimes it's not so simple as that. Sometimes the way that he makes is more like seeing a little bit of light at the end of a cave and it's only as you walk forward that the light starts getting bigger and you realize that the hole actually is big enough for you to get out.

But you wouldn't have known that if you hadn't walked forward.

Most people don't take the next step because they assume it's going to be a dead end.

They assume it's not going to pan out, so they don't make any moves.

That's not faith.

It's plain not.

Now, this is where the Holy Spirit comes into play. And prayer. Spending time with God in order to understand what His voice sounds like, learning discernment so you can listen to the Holy Spirit about what steps to take. Knowing God's voice and where He is leading comes with knowing Him.

How have you known in the past when God wanted you to step in a different direction? What did it feel like? Would love your comments below!

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." - Isaiah 30:21 (NIV)

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." - John 10:27 (NIV)



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