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We're not all made for desk jobs. And we're also not all made for coffee shop freelancing craziness. As much as we'd like to deny it, there is a type of work place that's best for us and makes us come alive, and there are environments that cramp who we are.

Our unique personalities don't always fit into the pretty boxes we'd like for them to. There's a rhythm to who we are, and where we do our work has a huge influence on how we do what we're made for.

There are environments that we work best in. And, likewise, there are plenty of other environments that we don't. So hopefully these questions help you identify where you feel most at home and where you do your purpose best. And it might tell you what environment you need to vacate real fast if you're going to accomplish your purpose.

If you're going to be in this type of environment day after day, these questions are worth asking.

no. 1 - Do you feel alive?

In the place that you most often work and do what you're made for, do you feel alive? Do you feel lively, or is it an energy-sucker? Do you leave feeling dead or like you've found your place?

"Once upon a time, in the beginning of humanity's sojourn on earth, we lived in a garden that was exotic and lush, inviting and full of adventure. It was 'the environment for which we were made...'

- John Eldredge, Desire

no. 2 - Are you yourself?

Can you be yourself in this environment? If so, why? If not, why not? Are you holding back, or is it something about where you're working that's just ill-fitting to your personality? It's not a bad thing to realize that certain places help you be more of who you are. Some people come into their own in a quiet setting without distractions. Some people are in their element surrounded by people constantly and working with others. Some people need the focus of a cubicle. Where are you most yourself, and where does your personality thrive?

no. 3 - How do you treat others?

When you go into work, are you snippy? Do you suddenly become rude to people? Or do you love seeing people? Do you love your work environment and the people you work with? When you're in your work environment, does it set you up to love others well? (There are, indeed, other contributing factors to whether we treat others well or not, and we should definitely love people no matter what environment we're in, but there are places that God calls us to and places that we're not called to go. If God hasn't called us there and we're not where He wants us, sometimes the Spirit is quenched and the fruit stops growing. If it's getting really hard to love people where you are, maybe take a minute and ask God if it's where you're called to be. And if He says, "Yes. This is where I have you," then ask Him what's stopping the love and ask Him to get it out of the way.

(There have been times where I was at a job for longer than He called me to be, and the longer I waited to follow Him and leave, the harder it became to function in that place and love people and be uplifting to the people I was working with. This is just an example from my life. I'd love to hear what you think about this in the comments!)

no. 4 - Did God say to be there?

God told Jonah to go to Nineveh. But Jonah ran and went the opposite direction- to a boat. When the storm came, Jonah knew it was because He hadn't gone where God had called him to go. (Check this all out in Jonah 1.)

When storms come, we should ask God why. (Not every storm is because of disobedience- we do live in a fallen world, and the enemy does come to steal, kill, and destroy.) There are times where He's told us to be somewhere and do something, and when we don't, He sends a storm. Because He loves us enough to lead us into His will one way or another. Even if it takes being in the belly of a fish.

God told Jonah to go to Nineveh, and, in his own thinking, Jonah thought that would be a horrible environment, but that was where the Lord was going to work.

By avoiding the environment God had for him where God promised He would work, Jonah ended up in an even worse environment.

Let's not do that.

We want to see God's will be done. Even if it means going somewhere we don't want to go. He promises His will will be done and that His plans are undeniably good, no matter how odd they may seem to us.

no. 5 - Is there fruit?

When you're in this environment, is there fruit? Can you produce anything? (Not that life is all about production, but God does call us to good works, and that includes some aspect of productivity.

1. Ask God what fruit He desires to come from what you do.

2. Are you seeing that fruit?

3. If you're not seeing the fruit, maybe ask Him why. Will it just take longer to grow in this environment that He put you in? Or is it because the conditions aren't good for growing what He's called you to grow.

It takes a lot of discernment and affirmation to know what God says about the environments and situations we find ourselves in. Our work environment and daily environment won't always be optimal. And if we discover that it's not optimal but that God is calling us to stay, then at least we'll be in a better position to ask Him what we can do while staying where we are.



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